

Here are the desserts I had available for the prix fixe on good old Valentine's Day. Since it fell on a Sunday, we were serving this prix fixe on Saturday as well. The full dessert menu was also available. I went through over 100 of each of these over those two days. Pretty crazy.

Here's the good ol' flourless chocolate torte with raspberry coulis and vanilla creme anglaise. The unsung workhorse of any Valentine's Day menu.
Cookies and truffles.
Cookies: Double chocolate and toasted almond, orange and chocolate hearts, and pistachio wedding cookie
Truffles: Espresso, Orange, Dark Chocolate
Vanilla and Rosewater Panna Cotta with hibiscus syrup and pistachio wedding cookie
Champagne, White Chocolate Mousse, and Strawberry Parfait with mixed berries.

(not too sure why this one's off center. whoops.)

It was a pretty hectic weekend overall because if I remember correctly, there were two sizable parties on Friday to deal with as well. Sheesh. I had a good time though. Can't wait for Mother's Day, which happens to fall only a couple of weeks after I'll be expanding the Brunch pastry selection. I hope to be adding a new bread into the rotation since the boss wants to offer french toast. Yesterday I tested a cool challa type loaf with a dough that I normally use for sticky buns. I thought it worked well. We'll see what happens.

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