

I'd like to start this by saying that I don't care to draw a line between "rap" and "hip hop" when I'm talking about music. This comes down to the fact that I think the word rap is cooler to say. It feels better. I've ALWAYS thought that "hip hop" sounded as if it came from the mouth of an old lady. I realize that lots of people want to draw this distinction between the two but I don't feel that there's any valid difference. I know what KRS said but whatever.....this is the internet.

I work with a guy who is head over heels in love with what he feels to be "real hip hop".His "real hip hop" is basically represented by The Native Tongues, The Pharcyde, and whatever Rhymesayers is putting out and little else. Now....understand that this is happening in Houston, Texas. Home of the late, great DJ Screw, UGK, Flip, Chamillionaire, et fucking cetera.

I'm tired of people telling me what's real and what's not.

I LOVE Native Tongues. De La Soul is my hands down favorite group of all time, but in no way does that stop me from liking Weezy, Gucci, Trick Daddy, etc....

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that there's a time and place for everything. I DO NOT want to hear Atmosphere when I'm out at a club, bar or whatever. I love those guys but as I said...there's a time and a place.

When I hear someone telling me how terrible Weezy or Gucci is I start to feel a little uncomfortable because I'm of that stock that came before the separation of rap jams. That is to say that when I hear a good rap, I'ma feel it.

I'd like to keep it that way.

Work sucks.

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